Sunday, July 17, 2011

Warren Street, Hudson NY

1 comment:

  1. This card blows me away. The red building to the forefront was called Leo's Restaurant in 1965 when it burned to the ground in the Good Friday Fire. I sat many hours on that marbled stoop. My family rented the apartments above the bar, and we lost everything in that fire. The irony is that my father bought the house attached to the VFW in 1967 just 4 buildings down from the red bldg. in this card. You can see awnings on what would be the VFW one day, and next to that you can see the foyer overhang where my family would live in 1967 until my parents deaths. Both of these places are where I grew up. And oddly, this was posted on July 17th, the month and day death date of my mother's passing.
